Chocolat d'Aiguebelle "The Russo-Japanese War" Trade Cards
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Chocolat d'Aiguebelle "The Russo-Japanese War" Trade Cards
1756_1:, Image on the front of the trade card shows Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in military dress surrounded by troops holding the Russian flag. In the background is Saint Basil's Cathedral.,, 1756_2:, Image on the front of the trade card shows Emperor Meiji of Japan (Mutsuhito) in military dress on horseback leading Japanese forces holding the Rising Sun Flag.
Chocolat d'Aiguebelle
Chocolat d'Aiguebelle
Isabel Miller
Trade Card
1756_1, 1756_2
Print Ephemera Item Type Metadata
Trade Cards
1756_1, Front:, Chocolat d’Aiguebelle, Le Tzar. Assistant a la benediction des troupes a Moscou.,, 1756_1, Back:, Le Tzar assiste a la benediction des troupes a Moscou,, Le peuple russe, patient, opiniatre, reste confiant dans l’avenir malgre les douloureuses realites du present. (Septembre 1904)., Il puise cette confiance dans sa foi profonde en la protection de Dieu., Chaque armee fut benie avant son depart pour l’Extreme-Orient., Au cours d’une de ces emouvantes ceremonies, le Tzar haranguant ses troupes en presence des hauts dignitaries de la Cour, les exhorta au courage et a la confiance absolue en la protection divine.,, Edition de la Chocolaterie D'Aiguebelle (Drome), Nota- Au consommateur qui accepte souvent a son insu, des chocolats melanges, additionnes de fecule ou de farine, nons recommandons d’une mamere particuliere le Chocolat D'Aiguebelle (enveloppe papier blanc glace), chocolat complet. Garanti rigoureusement pur cacao et sucre., Exiger le nom Aiguebelle en toutes lettres grave sur chaque tablette, croquette, domino, etc.,, 1756_2, Front:, Chocolat d’Aiguebelle, Le Mikado Moutsu-Hito,, 1756_2, Back:, Le Mikado Mutsu-Hito,, Le Mikado ou empereur du Japon, prit possession du Trone en 1858. Il avait alors quinze ans., D’un caractere doux et liberal, il installa son palais a Tokio qui devint la capitale de l’Empire., Vers 1867, il fit venir une mission francaise pour l’instruction des troupes. Plus tard fut instituee une loi qui etablissait le service obligatoire, A certaines epoques de grandes revues ont lieu., Le Mikado prend place sous la tente imperiale; les ministres, les amiraux, dont les escadres sont a Yokohama vont le saluer., Puis l’Empereur monte a cheval, et, precede d’un chambellan, passe devant les troupes.,, Edition de la Chocolaterie D'Aiguebelle (Drome), Nota- Au consommateur qui accepte souvent a son insu, des chocolats melanges, additionnes de fecule ou de farine, nons recommandons d’une mamere particuliere le Chocolat D'Aiguebelle (enveloppe papier blanc glace), chocolat complet. Garanti rigoureusement pur cacao et sucre., Exiger le nom Aigubelle en toutes lettres grave sur chaque tablette, croquette, domino, etc.,
Very good condition. Some yellowing and distress on corners.
Curatorial Note
Translation of French text:,, 1756_1, Front:, Chocolate of Aiguebelle, The Tzar. Assistant to the benediction of the troops in Moscow.,, 1756_1, Back:, The Tsar attends the benediction of the troops in Moscow,, The Russian people, patient, obstinate, remain confident in the future despite the painful realities of the present. (September 1904)., He draws this trust in his profound faith in the protection of God., Each army was blessed before its departure for the Far East., During one of these exciting ceremonies, the Tzar, haranguing his troops in the presence of the high dignitaries of the court, exhorted them to courage and absolute confidence in the divine protection.,, Edition of Chocolaterie D'Aiguebelle (Drome), Nota- To the consumer who often accepts without his knowledge, mixed chocolates, added with starch or flour, we recommend the Chocolat D'Aiguebelle (envelope paper white ice), complete chocolate. Guaranteed rigorously pure cocoa and sugar., Require the name Aiguebelle in serious letters on each tablet, croquette, domino, etc.,, 1756_2, Front:, Chocolat d’Aiguebelle, The Mikado Moutsu-hito,, 1756_2, Back:, The Mikado Mutsu-Hito,, The Mikado or Emperor of Japan, took possession of the throne in 1858. He was then fifteen years old., Of a soft and liberal character, he installed his palace in Tokio, which became the capital of the Empire., About 1867 he sent for a French mission for the instruction of the troops. Later a law was instituted which established compulsory service, At certain epochs of great reviews take place., The Mikado takes place under the imperial tent; The ministers, the admirals, whose squadrons are in Yokohama, will salute him., Then the Emperor rides on horseback, and, preceded by a chamberlain, passes before the troops.,, Edition of Chocolaterie D'Aiguebelle (Drome), Nota- To the consumer who often accepts without his knowledge, mixed chocolates, added with starch or flour, we recommend the Chocolat D'Aiguebelle (envelope paper white ice), complete chocolate. Guaranteed rigorously pure cocoa and sugar., Require the name Aiguebelle in serious letters on each tablet, croquette, domino, etc.,
Early 20th Century, following Russo-Japanese War
Material Note
Physical Dimensions
Each card is 5" by 3.5"
Printed Text Language
Series Note
Part of a series of 24 trade cards centered on the Russo-Japanese War. Cards feature commanders and leaders of Japanese and Russian forces on the battlefield, including Admiral Togo Heihachiro, Marshal Oyama Iwao, Marshal Kuroki Tamemoto, General Nogi Maresuke, Commander of the Russian Army Aleksey Kuropatkin, and Admiral Rozhestvensky.,
Chocolat d'Aiguebelle, “Chocolat d'Aiguebelle "The Russo-Japanese War" Trade Cards,” ReEnvisioning Japan, accessed March 13, 2025, https://rej.lib.rochester.edu/items/show/11867.